On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Daniel R. Broemmelsiek wrote:

> I'll bet that offices are generally stocked from catalogs where the price of a 
> 650MB is less than a 700MB.  I doubt that very many people buy fixed or 
> quasi-re-writeable media based on price/MB storage.  Hence the outrage that I 
> can't just go and swipe a few 650's and get the new distro.


> By the way, we have a Red Hat based distro here at FNAL, on which the second 
> install iso >650MB and my secretary only has 700MB RWs and my computer at 
> home has a 6 year old cdrom drive that can't recognize RW discs.  I can't 
> seem to make the Yamaha cd-writer bootable either.  Just an example of the 
> aggravations possible.  Nothing insurmountable ;).

These are the types of complaints I saw on the main cooker list. Thanks

> Dan
> ps QT designer on the 9.1beta does not work.  Splash screen then some kind of 
> corrupted list message from QT.

Seems to be working here, built Feb 8, 2003

[stew@powerbook perl-install]$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/designer-qt3

Probably newer than the ISO - can you try to update?

Stew Benedict

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