
Yeah... but only you have access to your repository, and at the end of the day, that one isn't exposed to the outside world. The paris one is. If you are making the ISO's that go into the product, then in effect the people on the cooker-ppc list are testing the wrong product, although the differences aren't hat big.

Yes, that is a problem. It seems the bulk of the people don't really
participate until there are ISOs, possibly for the reasons you've

That's precisely what I'm doing. Because everytime I ask I get "the mirrors are broke don't use them."

I rsync (over ssh) directly from kenobi. The mirrors are too slow and too f*cked up for the things I'm doing. I'm happy that I'm allowed to use rsync on kenobi, if that is taken away that will mean the end of me uploading the alpha port.

And when I try to use them stuff is
missing.  Or some other problem with what's on the site.  I've bitched
about Stew not being able to fix this only to be ignored.  I'm tired of
fighting to contribute.

Yup... a lot of frustration in the air. Many people have the same feeling. I'm just wondering WHY?

What's wrong with mdk?

   * Is it a controll / trust issue (scared that contributors are going
     to f*ck up their product)?
   * Is it a resources problem?

It's not worth the effort.

I totally agree. At the moment I'm willing to work on (the process of?) improving the process, not at improving the product. Once the process is right, then they'll have me onboard again to work on the product.

I'd also like to see more things documented:

   * Like what contributors are allowed to do and what not.
   * How things are to be done.
   * update the rpm howto document

And have the management make descisions and PUBLISH them and stick to them. If the alpha port isn't going to be supported --> kill it.

Get a real business model. More focus on the enterprise, less on end-(l)users. In the end, the enterpise market is where the real $$$ are.

Which means at this
point in time, I am not doing much at all on Mandrake.  A lot of what I
do anymore sits on my own mirror and doesn't get sent to Mandrake...

I've suggested it before, maybe we (the mdk community) should write a document which reflects how we want things to work and make demands. Otherwise boycott contributing to mdk.


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