> And the discussion comes full circle. :(

Sorry. I wasn't reading the other thread because it seemed more 
political/philisophical then technological.

> I would have uploaded that yesterday.  I do it in batches by day.
> Where it goes after that, who knows? (Actually, I do know, it ends up in
> "rejected", but there's no way in hell when I'm uploading as many as 100
> packages a day I can track down each one follow through with warly to
> get them manually fixed).

Who is rejecting them?  Why would they reject them?  I thought you were "the 
mandrake ppc guy".

Whoever rejected that one obviously doesn't know what he/she is doing because 
the other packages of the build were accepted, just the main one wasn't.  
Right now cooker ppc is broken because it has wrong packages.

> Now I could do like alpha does and just keep uploading the thing forever
> if it doesn't show up in the Paris repository, but that seems a little
> foolish too, since if it was rejected the first time, odds are it will
> continue to be rejected.

Is there some in Paris I could be yelling at as a Mandrakesoft 
user/customer/club member?

If it's not too much trouble, and it's not too big, could you email me that 
package privately?  Right now it's blocking me from upgrading the drak* tools 
which are unusable at the moment.


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