On Sun, 9 Mar 2003, entropy wrote:

> sorry, i obviously wasn't explicit with that.. yeah, in beta2, it 
> wasn't a problem. personally it doesn't really bother me that i can't 
> get a graphical installer. i would have only mentioned that for your 
> bug tracking benefit. however, regular use of X is for my benefit =D 
> which i am not getting, despite a seemingly trouble free-installation.
> during the install, i checked out Xconf. looks normal.
> Device: r128
> options use FBDEV "TRUE"
> that's the only thing that looked remotely interesting. oh, by the way, 
> in case i am stupid. x has no problem opening with screen0 ? it's 
> default right?
> what else can i do?

Yes screen0 is default.  OK, so the installer aside, what happens when you
"startx" in the installed system?  Does replacing r128 with fbdev, or
using the config someone else posted a couple of days ago do anything for
you?  Does the installer created XF86Config-4 have "UseFBDev"?

Stew Benedict

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