On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Alex Horvath wrote:

> Stew,
> RC1, trying to do an FTP install.  PowerComputing Powercentre 120, 112MB RAM, 2GB 
> HD, onboard net.
> First, I can't even get the installer to work properly unless I specify 
> root=/dev/ram3
I would expect that, it's not an optional parameter.

> second, if I do that, I get corrupted video.
Don't know there. All you're doing is asking the root filesystem to be on
a ramdisk.  Not sure how that would effect the video.

> Third, if I put install-text before or after the root command, the installer won't 
> work properly (it complains about the FS being read only)

Just "text" - not "intall-text"

> Any ideas ?

Stew Benedict

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