fist, no X on this machine, it is strictly a router with CLI.

Second, got ntpdate to work, so I now have the correct time.

I think I can do it this way, if someone can help me on how to program it.

use ntpdate to set the clock BEFORE loading ntpd, otherwise ntpdate will
fail saying that the ntp socket is already in use.

Question is, where should i put the command for ntpdate so it gets executed
(preferably right after the internet stuff is loaded) before ntpd ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Quentin Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: Setting the clock

> Hi,
> Remember that ntp does not like changing the clock by very much -- it is
> designed to correct a small difference in frequencies, not huge jumps.  If
> it crashes and the time is wrong by more than ~5mins it will NOT sort you
> out.  In KDE a right-click on the time will give you an option [for root]
> to change the time.
> I believe that "date" can be used to set the time, but I have to look up
> the syntax every time.  I thought that ntp would correct a jump during the
> boot sequence, if not then try /usr/sbin/ntpdate server; OR rdate -s
> server followed by hwclock --systohc to do the trick.
> Once you have ntp setup it is worth checking the "quality" of your time
> with /usr/sbin/ntptrace.
> Quentin.
> > If you have always on internet, you could consider installing a ntp
> >
> > Installing the rpm should either create, or set permissions for the
> > clock so that you can access it at a later point, or have it execute on
> > connect to your ppp account.
> >
> >
> >   ----- Original Message -----
> >   From: Alex Horvath
> >   Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:42 PM
> >   Subject: Setting the clock
> >
> >
> >   Silly question, but how do I set the clock on the computer.
> >
> >   I have tried hwclock, but I get an error saying "unable to open
/dev/adb read/write : : No such file or directory"
> >
> >   Also, ntpd doesn't seem to work. I have servers configured, but the
time never changes.  Also, it there a way to display the time ?
> >
> >   My battery is dead so the clock defaults to 1956, which is obviously
wrong.  I just need the computer to get the correct time when it boots and
maybe sync it every once in a while.
> >
> >   Thanks,
> >
> >   AH
> >
> >

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