On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Alex Horvath wrote:

> hi all,
> first, PPC 8500 w/ 2 nic, eth0 net, eth1 loc.  not quite at routing yet, still 
> trying to set up dhcp. 
> First thing, I have dhclient working, and it can get an address from my current 
> router (it grabs  If I disconnect it (i.e. halt the 
> machine, disconnect the cable) then plug in the cable from my cable modem, I can't 
> get an address.  dhclient works, it sends out DHCPDISCOVER, and it gets a DHCPOFFER 
> back from the isp, but it times out and says that no offers were recieved.
> Any ideas on that one ?

Don't have any hands on with that one, I use a hardware router to the ISP.

> Also, I have dhcpd installed, and am trying to get the computer to be a dhcp server 
> on eth1 (internal).  I set up the dhcpd.conf file, and it says that it is listening, 
> but when I try to request an address from another computer, it times out.  The 
> client is running win2k and I am using ipconfig /renew.  This client can renew from 
> another linux box on another network.
> Again, any ideas ?

I serve up IP's to macs and 'doze machines here. In fact just moved the 
whole setup to the powerbook running 9.1 and shut down my old server. I do 
use static IP's per machine:

ddns-update-style none;
subnet netmask {
        # default gateway - hardware router
        option routers;
        option subnet-mask;

        option domain-name "linuxcontrol.org";
        option domain-name-servers,,;

# is the dhcpd/nameserver/samba server/netatalk etc. 

        default-lease-time 21600;
        max-lease-time 43200;

#this is another laptop, x86 running either WindowsXP or Linux, wired or 
#wireless.  I used to use the same hostname for both, but current dhcpd 
#doesn't care for that.

    host presario {
        hardware ethernet     00:90:96:19:60:20;
    host presariow {
        # wireless setup
        hardware ethernet     00:06:25:0b:97:97;

That's it - more of the above for different machines.

Stew Benedict

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