On Friday, May 30, 2003, at 03:35 PM, Stew Benedict wrote:

On Fri, 30 May 2003, Jeffrey Hergan wrote:

I searched the lists and it said that to install 9.1 on an eMac I
should try:

installgui-benh text

That doesn't work/exist.

So I try: install-gui-benh text  which leaves me with a black screen
after some text scrolls quickly by.

So what's the secret to installing on an eMac?

Don't know for sure this will work but try adding


to your boot arguments

Good call, Stew! If I use:

install-gui-benh text video=ofonly

I can get into the installation process.

But I have a (prolly silly) question.

How do I create unallocated space on the eMac, which will not let me boot into OS 9 to use Apple's Disk Utility?

When I get it running, I'll send a full report/howto on what I did.


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