
Perhaps you could send me an email address that wouldn't bounce. I would be happy to assist where I can without laboring the list.

Tomas Taylor wrote:


First of all, I was impatient a few days ago and I apologize.

So I go into the Terminal and type this command:

ls -l /dev/tty*

Now all these tty's are *aqua* and *black*; except for one, that's colored *red* and *red*. It's* **/dev/ttyS0* that is linked to *tts/0* Do these *red* colors have anything to do with why I can't connect? (Or is it just staying, "Oh, this the one you have.")

Connect to what? Modem? Not sure what you are connecting to.


How does one unmount a CD from graphics interface?

From the GUI, "right" click the mouse (pres F12 with the mouse pointer over the CD icon). You will see "eject" which will also unmount it


When I replace CD drive with a ZIP drive in the expansion bay, Bamboo knows that the ZIP drive is there. I can hear the heads moving and it sometimes does a self-eject. I found the ZIP drive in the Hardware utilitiy and tried a mount on both addresses it gave me: /dev/hdc4 and /dev/ide/host9/bus1/target0/lun0/part4. It's a Iomega ZIP 100 ATAPI. How does one mount it? Does an ICON appear on the desktop on an insert to the drive?

I am not familair with the Zip in the Mac, but you could use a command such as this:
# mount /dev/hdc4 /mnt/cdrom (from root)

If the Zip drive is formatted for Mac or DOS you will have to put in a -t HFS or -t VFAT into the mount command.


How does one set the K Desktop Environment as the default Desktop?

Good question. Yellowdoglinux uses the Redhat switchdesk utility. What do we use in Mandrake?


Whatever the network protocols are used for ethernetting a PC to a PC using a crossover cable, would be similar to a Mac to Mac ethernet connection (especially when they are both running UNIX.)

Assuming you have ethernet on both sides, and the IP addresses assigned in the same subnet (such as adn then it doesn't matter what the machine is (unix, mac, pc) you should be able to ping the other machine. This is the beauty of IP


The trackpad is to sensitive. How does one adjust the speed?



Which scan disk utility is recommended?

What do you need disk scanned? Linux has fsck built in, and will do a scan if the machine isn't shut down properly (much like a mac or windows will), unless the drive is formatted ext3, which is a journalling file system which is much more advanced file system.


Tomás de Tejas>

Craig... [from my G3 Powerbook [Pismo])

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