
Got it!  Many thanks

Now my ibook is running linux.  I had no problem to set up the adsl 

Thank you ver os much.



On Saturday 04 October 2003 07:30 pm, Stew Benedict wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes wrote:
> > > My guess is you setup the bootstrap mounted at /boot.  For some reason
> > > quite a few folks are inclined to do this.  The kernel path for /boot
> > > part of "/" would be hd:8,/boot/vmlinuz....
> >
> > Yes, I did.  Sorry ...
> >
> > > Bootstrap partition should never be one of the mount points.
> >
> > I am confused here.  When I click to create a partition and choose Apple
> > Bootstrap, I have to (haven't I) to choose a mounting point.  I don't see
> > a way around for not choosing a mounting point.
> I'm pretty sure there's an empty selection in the list of mount points.
> > > Most folks I've helped on IRC are able to recover from this by booting
> > > rescue and fixing the yaboot.conf.
> >
> > I am a newbie.  How to do that?  I am booting under rescue and there are
> > three different options: mount under /mnt/, console and help.  Which one
> > do I have to go for?
> >
> > Once I tried console but couldn't find yaboot.conf.  Is it under /etc?
> Yes, go ahead and let the rescue mount.
> Go to console
> chroot /mnt
> mount /proc /proc -t proc
> check that there is a kernel and initrd in /boot
> cd /etc
> vi yaboot.conf (or vim)
> fix the entries, save
> ybin -v
> umount /proc
> "exit" to exit the chroot
> sync; sync (just to be sure)
> umount /mnt (if this fails don't fret)
> reboot or "shutdown -h now"

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