A Dimecres 19 Novembre 2003 15:42, Stew Benedict va escriure:

> 9.1 was tested and mostly built on an RS6000 43P-150.

Hum... maybe I should try again when I get some spare time again. I tried to install 
9.1 for a short while but unfortunately I couldn't dedicate all the necessary time to 
it (well, actually I prefer to say "fortunately", since the reason is that I am 
getting married in two weeks!)

> There is no official 9.2 PPC.

Well, I was actually thinking about cooker. I expected some "unofficial" 9.2 PPC to 
come up, but now you tell me that it might be a mix of 9.2/10.0/whatever. Well, as 
Deng Hsiao Ping said, "it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as 
it chases mice".

Thanks for your answer!


Tirs Abril i Sanz
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