Grégoire Colbert wrote the following inacurrate message:
> Little explanation : if the /var/run/dhcpcd-{$DEVICE}.pid file exists, we
> try to kill the process with this PID (it doesn't exist if we are rebooting
> from a crash), then we delete the pid file, and then we rerun dhcpcd. So we
> are sure there is one-and-only-one dhcpcd running. It can helps if someone
> start ifup without starting ifdown before, because dhcpcd doesn't seem to
> complain when it is loaded many times from ifup. =(
In fact, it *do* complains if you do multiple times "/sbin/ifup eth0", by
saying "delete /var/run/ file". So on startup, this is not
what we want to hear (this happens if the file is still there, typically
after a crash). I find better to handle this problem right in /sbin/ifup so
even system crashes don't avoid you to get an IP on reboot.


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