Suite au message de Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> intitulé [Re:
[Cooker] Panoramix,newgraphicalinstallerforMandrake, available], du 29
Aug 1999 22:43:35 +0200:

| Lorne Shantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > I just attempted an install using the MDKINST.IMG files. It blew up.
| > Here are my observations (and them I'm off to bed. :>) 
| > 
| > First when booting to a DOS 6.22 disk and you look at the files on a dos
| > partition, it only sees short file names. What I ended up seeing was
| > mdkinst~1, 2 and 3. Might I suggest they be named something more easily
| > understood, like MDKcdrom.IMG etc
| > 
| ok, now it's 
|   gi_hd.img
|   gi_cdrom.img
|   gi_network.img

Why not "gi_net.img" ?

Hum... What about doing a separate mailing list for Panoramix.....


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