
Thursday, Thursday, September 02, 1999, you wrote:

JLM> Sam Gentile wrote:
>> Ok, now I need the part about getting through the Proxy Server and if not
>> how to download it all from NT and then how to set up boot disks and where
>> to go from there.

JLM> Concerning the Proxy problem you can download from http:// from a lot's of
JLM> server (you just need to replace ftp:// by http://. 
JLM> You just need to find a mirroring tool that accept http:// (wget ?)

JLM> Jacques.

if the files are stored also on http, wouldnt that mean that under
windows one can use 'teleport' to grab them, Its a very efficient
multithreaded  tool to grab websites with/without files.
As long as files are http and not ftp.
main thing is that if one has lousy speeds, that program maximizes
throughput but its kind of lousy on recoveries (doesnt do them (g))
Now if one had a whole file list to be downloaded, presumably (under
windows again) one could paste the whole lot in 'get right' and get
them all over, recoveries included...

Bill, any comments as you get the files via Windows as well...
Best regards,


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