On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, tracer wrote:

> Hello Garrett,
> Thursday, Thursday, September 02, 1999, you wrote:
> GG> When actually copying the packages to disk, the percentage based
> GG> progress bar went from 0 to 100% in just 5 minutes for 500+ MB of data
> GG> (fast!).
> GG> However, it stayed at 100% for 15+ (another 25MB by my guesstimate)
> GG> while it finished installing several more packages.
> GG> Done should be done... 100% should be completion.
> Copying and installing isnt the same  and even if it was split into 2
> bars, one for copying and one for install, its still a problem that
> any controlling program like this hasnt got a clue how long an install
> will take... Some modules are big and go fast, others are big and go
> slow... Small modules can also take much longer then others so all one
> really should be able to show is number of packages  or percentage
> installed and how many to go... % DONE/Complete is unpredicatble...
> Best regards,
> tracer
> mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
It's a bugglet in librpm, do a 'rpm -i --percent something.rpm'. 

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