Sunday, Sunday, September 05, 1999, you wrote:

t> Hello webmedic,

t> Friday, Friday, September 03, 1999, you wrote:
t> We are an OEM...
t> And we do sell pc's made with various chipsets.
t> As mentioned there are  few alternatives for AMD's
t> And there are Via boards and via boards.
t> Now oddball/instability problems were on several boards with a lot of
t> hardwork traced back to 2 main reasons:
t> 1. most powersupplies used in PC's are qua power still designed to run
t> 486...
t> ie most systems run a powersupply which is absolutely inadaquate to
t> run all that stuff people tend to hang on it.
t> Added, AMD uses a LOT of power.
I type ALI before, I meant VIA....
t> 2. many of the VIA chipset boards use lousy/cheapo power regulators on
t> the motherboard.

t> 3. Interesting in ONE case I replaced the old powersupply by a real
t> heavy duty power supply (300 watt plus)  and the previous unstable
t> system now ran for about 10 minutes and then literally went up in
t> flames.... In short power regulator on the board isnt working
t> properly, wants more power but cannot get  it and AMD doesnt like
t> that, Give it more and they kill each other...
t> After the board burned I put the AMD in a similar board  and essentially that also 
t> (as I wasnt attached to the board I didnt mind one bit at all, one
t> problem less!)
t> I checked with a friend who tests hardware professionaly for companies
t> who get stuck with their design and acc to him the regulators can blow
t> the chip and vv, especially with AMD so if you have cheaply made
t> boards...

t> Essentially they cannot cope and severe instability can occur.
t> On one  case we got caught: I gave a sample board to a friend to play
t> with and he loved it. So we got a few more, made on a local internet
t> machine with an AMD, no problems, ALL the others had problems and
t> essentially the only stable chips I could run in it were certain
t> pentiums.
t> Then the original board was getting reaing errors during suse
t> instalations and I have seen it blow up in front of my eyes. One of
t> the chips on the motherboard smoked/cracked and the AMD was also dead.
t> we ended up dumping the remaining boards (only a few as I had smelled
t> a rat...)
w>> One comment here I sell computers for a living. Here is some
w>> free advice stay away from the via chip set. It even causes
w>> problems with windows. I had to learn the hard way. Even under
w>> windows there are unexplainable problems but they are the same
w>> every time. Also they disappear as soon as I use for instance an
w>> asus mb which uses the other chip set. And thanks for this post
w>> because I was just getting ready to get rid of my fic mb in my
w>> personal computer and this explains why I'm having trouble with
w>> a few things


Best regards,


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