On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

> > I just did an install from HDD with Cassini... it's a little tricky...
> > something must be broken in there somewhere...  when it's almost ready to
> > start copying RPMs, you need to mount /dev/hdxx to /tmp/hdimage and then
> > link /tmp/rhimage to /tmp/hdimage/[dir]/Mandrake and it should work.  That
> > did it for me... Axalon explained exactly what I needed to do (I think I
> > still have the message, I'll forward it to you directly).  That should
> > take care of HDD installs.  Also, what's the problem with fmirror?  I use
> > it here and it works awesome...
> just a note, but thats upgrades not installs, does sound like maybe same
> problem

Well, the solution you posted for me worked, so I figured I'd let him in
on it as maybe it would work as well... it did sound like he was
attempting an upgrade, but I could be wrong.  I also forwarded him the
message you sent me in case it was missed.

Vincent Danen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) . ICQ: 16978834
BBBS/LiI . Internet Rex for Linux Beta
Stronghold Enterprises/X BBS . http://shx.tzo.net
Telnet://shx.tzo.net . Weblogin-http://shx.tzo.net/shx
  • [Cooke... Michael Doyle
    • R... duncan hall
      • ... duncan hall
      • ... Michael Doyle
    • R... Sam Gentile
      • ... Lorne Shantz
      • ... Axalon Bloodstone
        • ... Bill & Lea Greenwood / Vision Computer / Fringe on the Top, Ltd
      • ... Vincent Danen
        • ... Axalon Bloodstone
          • Vincent Danen

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