I found this little bit of info at the site below.  I thought others might
enjoy it as I did.


Customising Netscape
Netscape is much more customisable than most people think!
Many people know you can use the commandline arguments -fg and -bg to
specify the color to use for the interface. (Helps netscape fit in with
Many people however, are unaware quite how many options can be specified
using lines placed in ~/.Xdefaults.
When you install netscape, you should somewhere have a file called
Netscape.ad (ad is short for app-defaults). Read this file! There is lots of
info in there about customisation. The trick is to copy the interesting
lines of this file into your ~/.Xdefaults file. (Don't edit the file in
place, nothing will change).
There are a million things to fiddle with, you can rename menus, rearrange
them, change the user interface, set up macros, change what the mouse
buttons and keyboard accelerators keys do, its amazing. Just read the file.
The wheel-mouse fixes further up the page use some of these features.
I'll summarize a couple of juicy bits here. Place the following lines into
your ~/.Xdefaults file to get the benefit. Lines starting with ! are

!The following line disables the use of the incredibly annoying <blink> tag
Netscape*blinkingEnabled:               False

!This prevents errors being displayed in dialogs, and sends them instead to
!the console (the dialogs bug me, comment out these lines if you like
!dialogs ;)
Netscape*useStderrDialog:               False
Netscape*useStdoutDialog:               False

!Use these lines if the way Netscape saves its own geometry bug you.
!(I've kind of got use to it).
!Netscape*dontSaveGeometryPrefs:        True
!Netscape*ignoreGeometryPrefs:          True

!And this disables the unbelievably annoying startup screen you get by
!default. (I still can't believe they set it up this way!)
Netscape*noAboutSplash:                 True

! Fonts in the widgets.
! These fonts are all down in Motif land, and thus are not controlled by the
! font selector on the Preferences dialog.  That applies only to fonts in
! the document display area.

! As you can see, I like nexus. Feel free to specify your own fonts here.
! You can use X font descriptions or aliases here.

!This is the default font for netscape widgets (menu text etc).
Netscape*fontList:                      nexus

!This is the font used for the location bar
Netscape*XmTextField.fontList:          nexus

!Change these if you fancy. I haven't bothered ;)
!Netscape*XmText.fontList:               -adobe-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*
!Netscape*XmList*fontList:               -adobe-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*
!Netscape*menuBar*historyTruncated.fontList: -*-helvetica-medium-o-*-*-*-120
!Netscape*popup*fontList:                -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-12
!Netscape*licenseDialog*text.fontList:   -adobe-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*


How to get software from CVS.
How to keep up with the very latest software. Use CVS. This way you can also
submit your updates. To submit, you'll need an account with a CVS server,
but to keep up to date, you can use anonymous CVS.
Here's how.
First a quick note. CVS software is in active development. This means that
you could update your copy of Gnome exactly 5 seconds after someone
introduced a vicious bug. Your copy may not compile, may not run, or may do
bad things to your system. The bug will probably be fixed quickly, but you
should not hold the developers responsible for any damage done. CVS software
has no guarantees. If you find a bug, fix it and submit a patch.
Here's how to get gnome.
You'll need a copy of CVS.
You'll need to set an environment variable, CVSROOT. This should be done in
your shell start-up script.
Assuming you use Bash, the line would be:
Export CVSROOT=':pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/gnome'
Now make yourself a directory. I recommend ~/CVS
Go to that directory and type:
cvs login
There is no password, you are an anonymous user, so just hit enter.
(You will only have to type this the first time you use CVS).
Now its time to grab some packages. If you want Gnome, here's a good start:
cvs -z3 checkout glib gtk+ imlib ORBit gnome-libs gnome-core gnome-applets
The z3 is a compression specification, and is the best one to use. Checkout
means 'get everything from scratch'. The above libraries are what are needed
to compile most of Gnome.
The next step is to build and install the packages you end up with. (By the
way, have some time on your hands before starting the checkout, it'll take a
while. I'll cover installation in a while, for now, be aware that you need
to run ./autogen.sh in the root directory of each package, not configure.
Back to cvs. After a while, if you want to update your local copies, you
don't need to download it all again. Just go back to your cvs directory and
cvs -z3 update -Pd glib gtk+ imlib ORBit gnome-libs gnome-core gnome-applets
This will only download what's changed since your checkout. Very handy.
This has been very brief. For more info, consult your local cvs
documentation, or check out the CVS FAQ
<http://www.cyclic.com/cvs/doc-faq.html> (not very up-to-date).

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