Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Atif wrote:
> > Has anyone been able to run screen successfully under M6.1 or Cooker?
> > It starts up find then I detach it and can never re-attach it.
> > Whenever I type "screen -r" to resume my screen session it starts
> > a new one.  This is rather odd and highly inconvenient.  Does anybody
> > know of a fix?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Atif
> Ack, stupid type-o in /etc/profile.d/ Line 6 should be
>         /usr/bin/screen $@

I fixed the bug on this machine (now screen-3.9.4-2mdk) - shall I
ftp(dis|dev) it or have you done it already?


# rm *;o
o: command not found

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