I have to agree here about Roxens speed, flexibility, and the fact that it
is extremely solid.  When apache becomes a multithreaded/non-forking
server.. i'll go back (maybe).. till then, Roxen offers ALOT more.\

-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Schade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Would like to contribute packages

Hi Arthur,

On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Arthur wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 13:24:06 +0200 (CEST), Oliver Schade
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Why is Roxen better than Apache?
> > o It's written in pike, a interpreter-language
> How can that be faster than something compiled?  Has anyone compared
> performance of Roxen vs. Apache at high load?

Yes. I published 1998 a article about Roxen, which includes screenshots of
the administration-interface and a small comparision of Apache and Roxen,
Load and Requests/s.

URL: http://www.linux-magazin.de/ausgabe.1998.04/Roxen/roxen.html

After that article, Idonex (the company behind Roxen) accelerated the main
part of Roxen, so that it perfoms much better than 1998 - in fact, it beats
Apache in Requests/s. At that comparison above each client requests 2500
pages, 1250 of a random URL without any delay between requests. Apache
produces a load up to 48, up to 43  zombies while Roxen still was at a
load of 1 with 0 zombies (the test is quit unrealistic, I never ever saw
a www-server with so many traffic in reality).

I use Roxen as our main-webserver for (at the moment) 90 domains on a
P133-128 MB which also runs MySQL, Squid, 2 named's, Sendmail, ipop3d,
imapd, poprelayd (SMTP-after POP), Netsaint, xntpd, Webalizer, Minivend -
and the loads never gets above 0.95. This is the Roxen line:

root       855  1.0  9.0 14436 11596 ?       S    00:11   7:47 bin/roxen

Other people on the mailinglist reported, that a single P2-333 with 256 MB
was able to serve 750 domains without any problems, load hits never 1.2.

Some english feedbacks from Roxen Users are available at:

URL: https://www.roxen.com/testimonials/

On the mailinglist there are many users which report a faster and more idle
server after switching from Apache to Roxen.

Well, I got my new harddrive today, so I have to reinstall my Linux using
Mandrake 6.1. I suggest a contribution of Roxen as Mandrake-RPMs which
everybody may test. Give it a try - it's great...

Ciao, Oliver
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