Hello Mandrake,

Monday, Monday, September 27, 1999, you wrote:

Mandrake Bugs> The E*tractor Pro web-site is almost anal with repeatedly using the 
Mandrake Bugs> OPT-IN in their wording, as well as having a pseudo-disclaimer
Mandrake Bugs> 'discouraging' people from using their software to SPAM.

Mandrake Bugs> Of course, this is bogus - after all, why would you need to harvest
Mandrake Bugs> addresses in bulk for an opt-in system - I think a good legal case can 
Mandrake Bugs> made by everyone involved (including ISPs involved) against the 
producers of
Mandrake Bugs> Extractor Pro for misleading advertising (possibly), but definitely for
Mandrake Bugs> fraudulent advertising.

Mandrake Bugs> In the meantime, our list is slowly starting to be overrun by these 
Mandrake Bugs> spammers.

Mandrake Bugs> I do agree that it sounds like a good idea to use a filter and to remove
Mandrake Bugs> anything that has E*tractor Pro in the body text - add filterable words 
Mandrake Bugs> needed.

Oddly enough, all their spam ended up not in my cooker folder as they
donot address it to cooker....
the TO part is missing...

secondly if you filter on the name of the extractor, while it works,
it also means any discusion about the blasted thing gets zapped...

More interesting, wouldnt it be a good sales argument to have a
mandrake which has a proper and easy antispam system where unwanted
stuff gets zapped straight of the server where it comes from.

Finally, I just wonder if the idiots who made it legal have email
addresses NOT ending in .gov.. Any idea where to find them???
I have an excellent destination for such a mailing list (g)

Best regards,


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