Sorry to say, but I don't even know what Panoramix is.

I'm not an expert, but I've installed Redhat and Mandrake 10-20 times on 3 separate 
machines without this problem.

I am using the standard bootnet.img file from the 6.1 distro.  It requires the 
pcmcia.img file as well.  I boot the bootnet disk
(and select pcmcia if using a portable - which prompts for the second disk).  Then do 
a normal FTP/DHCP install.  Like I said, after
entering the ftp server address ( which is an NT ftp machine on my internal 
network) and pressing OK, it says "loading
second stage ramdisk", the progress bar moves a little and then the error message.

The FTP server doesn't seem to be a problem because (1) another Mandrake 6.1 install 
on another machine worked fine and (2) the
first part of the portable install *does* work.  The initial installation pages on the 
portable *do* successfully access the FTP
files.  Only later in the install does it give the "loading second stage ramdisk" 
section error.

I tried using various newsgroups to solve the problem, but no responses.  It sounds 
like it might be a very esoteric problem only
solvable by the actual people who programmed the install.  Since Redhat 6.0 *does* 
install properly on the same machine, I am of the
opinion that Mandrake 6.1 broke something.

Also, I never tried Mandrake 6.0 on the machine which is causing the problem.  
Therefore, I do not know if 6.0 would generate the
same error as 6.1 is doing.

Can someone elaboarate on what the installation program is doing at the point when it 
gives this error message and why
it would say "read only file system" ?.  What is this part of the program trying to do?

> /usr/bin/runintall2: cannot create /modules/modules.cgz: read-only file system


----- Original Message -----
From: Francois Pons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Chris Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] install error: "cannot create /modules/modules.cgz"

> Hello,
> Are you using Panoramix for installing the system ?
> Francçois PONS.
> Chris Cobb wrote:
> > Additional info...the machine that was successfully installed from the same 
>Mandrake 6.1 files was not a portable and did not
> > PCMCIA.  That might be a factor in the problem.
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Chris Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 5:59 AM
> > Subject: [Cooker] install error: "cannot create /modules/modules.cgz"
> >
> > > I'm installing Mandrake 6.1 onto a Toshiba Tecra laptop.
> > > Using FTP install with DHCP.
> > > I start the installation....
> > > DHCP works fine (the PCMCIA/Ethernet seems ok) and the machine gets it's DNS
> > > and gateway settings properly.
> > >
> > > I then enter "linuxTecra" for the machine name and leave the doman blank (I
> > > have no domain - just 10.0.0.x NAT attached to a cable modem).
> > >
> > > Then, right after entering my FTP server address ( and root
> > > directory "/", the screen says "Loading second stage ramdisk".  The meter
> > > progresses a little and then the message below comes on the screen.
> > >
> > > I have installed another machine successfully from the exact same FTP server
> > > (and Mandrake files) so those seem OK.  I have also successfully installed RH6.0 
>on to
> > > this portable and it does *not* give this error message.
> > >
> > > Any ideas what was changed on Mandrake to crash the install?
> > >
> > > The tecra is: pentium, 144Meg, 2Gig HD on primary IDE, CDrom on secondary
> > > IDE.  BIOS is current.
> > > ===========================================
> > > /usr/bin/runintall2: cannot create /modules/modules.cgz: read-only file
> > > system
> > > install exited abnormally
> > > sending termination signals...cardmgr[14]: + cat: not found
> > > cardmgr[14]: + ./network: /sbin/ifconfig: not found
> > > cardmgr[14]: + sed: not found
> > > cardmgr[14]: + .: Can't open ./setwork.opts
> > > cardmgr[14]: check cmd exited with status 2
> > > cardmgr[14]: exiting
> > > done
> > > sending kill signals...done
> > > unmounting filesystems...
> > >  /tmp/pcmcia
> > >  /tmp/image
> > >  /proc
> > > you may safely reboot your system
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >

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