
a few weeks ago I asked about including the webserver Roxen Challenger 
into Mandrake and promised to build some RPMs.

Now, after passing some examinations at my university, I am just uploading
three SRPMs of the newest release (puplished last Friday) of Roxen Challenger
1.3.121 (precompiled RPMs are available at www.ls-la.net/roxen/):

Name        : roxen                        Relocations: /usr 
Version     : 1.3.121                           Vendor: (none)
Release     : 10mdk                         Build Date: Mon Oct 18 21:53:30 
1999Install date: (not installed)               Build Host: Lagavulin.outsource.de
Group       : System Environment/Daemons    Source RPM: roxen-1.3.121-10mdk.src.rpm
Size        : 16188303                         License: GPL
Packager    : Oliver Schade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL         : http://www.ls-la.net/roxen/
Summary     : Roxen is a powerfull and easy to adminstrate webserver
Description :
Roxen is a webserver, based at the language Pike. It offers full administration
using a WWW-interface, SSL-support, adding/deleting/updating of internal mo-
dules without recompiling, shutdown/restart without superuser-privileges and a
lot of usefull additional modules like Email-frontends, generation of GIFs,
diagrams, counter etc. Once you use it, you will love it.

Name        : roxen-moreFonts              Relocations: /usr 
Version     : 1.3.121                           Vendor: (none)
Release     : 2mdk                          Build Date: Sun Oct 17 18:22:47 
1999Install date: (not installed)               Build Host: Lagavulin.outsource.de
Group       : System Environment/Daemons    Source RPM: 
Size        : 36162108                         License: GPL
Packager    : Oliver Schade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL         : http://www.ls-la.net/roxen/
Summary     : More fonts for the webserver Roxen Challenger
Description :
This package contains additional fonts for the webserver Roxen Challenger,
which have been published by Idonex, the company behind Roxen.

Name        : roxen-moreDigits             Relocations: /usr 
Version     : 1.3.121                           Vendor: (none)
Release     : 2mdk                          Build Date: Sun Oct 17 20:56:39 
1999Install date: (not installed)               Build Host: Lagavulin.outsource.de
Group       : System Environment/Daemons    Source RPM: 
Size        : 39895479                         License: GPL
Packager    : Oliver Schade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL         : http://www.ls-la.net/roxen/
Summary     : More digits for the webserver Roxen Challenger
Description :
This package contains additional digits for the webserver Roxen Challenger,
which can be used with the module 'Graphical Counter'.
After installation there is a preview of all installed digits available at
http://localhost/cgi-bin/list-digits.pl .

Caution: recompiling these packages needs on my dual-Pentium-233 with 128 MB
RAM about 90-120 minutes! 

Well, these are my first RPM-packages and they contain some ugly hacks. I
will continue working, here is my ToDo-list:

 - Adding a welcome-page which demonstrates the main advantages of Roxen
 - Making Relocation possible
 - Reimplement the spec-files of more{Fonts|Digits}
 - Bug-fixes
 - Building a 4th RPM with 3rd-party-modules

Some hints:

 - After installation Roxen will be preconfigured to use 
   http://your.hostname.com/ with HTML-root = /home/roxen
   (stop an running Apache before starting Roxen!).

 - The configuration-interface is available at
   https://your.hostname.com:13121/ Please call this immedeatly
   after installing Roxen to setup Login/Password for the Roxen-
   administrator. The interface uses a 40bit-SSL3-encyption.

 - At my machines Roxen needs about 13-15 MB RAM (serving about 110
   domains), but if you select the Digit-preview 
   (http://your.hostname.com/cgi-bin/list-digits.pl) Roxen will grow
   up to 96 MB! The resulting page is huge! Do not use this using a 
   slow ISDN-connection!

 - I recommend not to recompile the sources if you have a smaller 
   machine, use the binaries instead.

As I never got an answer from Chmouel after sending him my PGP-key, all
packages are signed with my RPM-PGP-key, available at www.ls-la.net/roxen/.

The packages are not yet 'End-User'-ready.

Any feedback is welcome. 

And please - kick Apache away and include Roxen :)

Ciao, Oliver
"User brauchen eh keine Programme... die sollen ihre Lochkarten abgeben
 und danach kriegen sie den Ausdruck ins Fach."
 [<A HREF="http://www.ls-la.net/">My Homepage</A>]      ICQ #: 14010308

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