On Sun, Nov 21, 1999 at 12:06:35AM +0100, Pixel wrote:
> > 
> > - 'choose your language': good. Except that I can't choose my language
> > (that's the one my mother taught me 30 years ago), only the language
> > I want to use during the installation.
> > 
> uh?

I understand `my language' as `my native language'. It's to late to change
it. But i can `choose which language i want to use during installation'.

> > - I try to switch virtual consoles with F1 / F2 / F3... but it doesn't
> > work. Slightly confusing for someone used to install Red Hats and
> > Mandrakes. Switchin with ALT-Fn of course does the trick.
> > 
> you kidding? i'm not gonna hack xfree to allow alt-Fn instead of ctl-alt-Fn :pp


I forgot one last thing: how do you get help during installation ?


Stéfane Fermigier, Tel: 06 63 04 12 77 (mobile).
<www.linbox.com> - <www.aful.org> - <www.linux-center.org>.
"In its pure form, Pascal is a toy language, suitable for teaching but not
for real programming."  Brian Kernighan.

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