
> > I'm wondering why there is a "BuildArchitectures" line in the qt2 spec
> > file.
> >
> > BuildArchitectures: i586
> >
> > Is this package only meant for the i586 architecture, or can it also be
> > compiled
> > on other architectures (alpha or i686)? If so, can we do without the
> > line, or
> > can we add the other architectures that it works on?
> Yes, normally we put i386 i586 k6 we can add alpha if supported.

I understand, but isn't "BuildArchitectures" normally used to define
an exclusive buildarchitecture for that package? For instance: wine
can't be built on anything but the x86 platform. For this package
it's usefull to add a "BuildArchitectures" string. If the package
can be built on other platforms without any problems, why would
a "BuildArchitectures" string be needed?



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