
Quoting Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Kai Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > How do I trigger Mandrake Security? Where do I grant rights
> > for ordinary users? 
> well, there is package msec which takes care of this.
> do 
> % /etc/security/msec/init.sh 3
> for a standard security level.

Well, now that there *is* msec available, I tried it.
It does not work right now for me.

[root@gloomy msec]# ./init.sh 3
/etc/security/msec/init-sh/level3.sh: /etc/security/msec/init-sh/grpuser: Datei
oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Problem removing user "blah" from group audio.
Added dos
Added hack
Added linux *
Added old

Then it hangs forever, because of a grep in the shell script that doesn't
have an argument:
[kn@gloomy kn]$ ps auxw|grep grep
root      4759  0.0  0.4  1332  516 pts/2    S    23:27   0:00 grep -qx

[root@gloomy msec]# rpm -qa|grep -E "(msec|chkc)"


 The last upgrade of libgtop may have been correct, but now gtop and
 gnome-utils *have* to be updated urgently. I cannot do 
 rpm -F * in my mirror dir because of "the gtop affair"....

[root@gloomy RPMS]# rpm -Fvh *
Fehler: fehlgeschlagene Paket-Abhängigkeiten:
        libgtop.so.1 wird von gnome-utils-1.0.13-2mdk gebraucht
        libgtop.so.1 wird von gtop-1.0.5-2mdk gebraucht
        libgtop_common.so.1 wird von gnome-utils-1.0.13-2mdk gebraucht
        libgtop_common.so.1 wird von gtop-1.0.5-2mdk gebraucht
        libgtop_sysdeps.so.1 wird von gnome-utils-1.0.13-2mdk gebraucht
        libgtop_sysdeps.so.1 wird von gtop-1.0.5-2mdk gebraucht
        libgtop_names.so.1 wird von gnome-utils-1.0.13-2mdk gebraucht

(Sorry for the German output. It complains that the libraries 
are needed by gnome-utils and gtop.)


Kai Nielsen, Berlin              Time and again I tell myself
"She turns me on                 I'll stay clean tonight
 But I'm only dancing"           But the little green wheels are following me
                                 Oh no, not again

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