No. After i rebooted i didn't even work executed manualy. I can't say much more
or look for the problem unless i reinstall it though because i just reinstalled
6.1. I use the internet to much to not be able to use it. Some other things i
tried was to recompile the kernel which endee in an error when i tried to make
zImage. that was probably my fault though as I forgot to install the headers.
After that faild i installed hackernel which completely locked the system up on
boot.  probably could have fixed it with a boot disk but it was just easier to
reinstall 6.1

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> webmedic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > It looks like this
> > #!/bin/bash
> > /bin/setserial /dev/ttyS0 irq 4 skip_test autoconfig
> and if you excute it manually he work ?
>                                   --Chmouel
He must increase but I must decrease-----------------------------------

                                Holliness unto the Lord
                                Name:           Brook Humphrey
                                E-Mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                Owner:          Mobile PC Medic

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