>As Axalon says, it's just compatibility crap:
># misc/gendepslist -h Mandrake/base/depslist Mandrake/base/hdlist
>compat-egcs-c++-5.3-1.0.3a.3mdk requires compat-egcs but no package provide
>xtraceroute-0.8.14-4mdk requires libMesaGLU.so.3 but no package provide it
>Remove the problematic packages, regenerate hdlist & depslist, and
>the error
>message will magically disappear.

OK, call me stupid (shoosh you), but... this is the first time I have messed
with a distribution as a whole, especially during the install procedures.
I've messed with the Red Hat installer a bit (the 5.x/6.x version) but that
was quite different.... so:

How? How would I remove the packages and regen hdlist/deplist? Are we
talking during the install? If that's the case, no prob. Just CTL-ALT to the
prompt and rpm -e the rogue files... right?

<oh boy it's like learning to code all over again>


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