finaly finsihed with all the updates last night and did the install
today. the install went without a hitch except for an erounous "bad file
rootfiles-6.2-6mdk.noarch.rpm" in console 3 during the install of
packages I just tested and installed manuly and it worked fine.

chose expert install and server class
manuly selected the packages (relized after that it unslected some of
them since I was over the space limit with the slide bar)
chose security high

install finsihed , computer reboots..
system boots fine... that is when the fun starts. it boots using the
sercure kernel. after loging in I relised that I obviously set the
security level too high cause once I loged in and tried to start gnome
with a normal user acount I get a simple xterm and nothing else. I
fidled around with some stuff and manged to get it to work but I am not
sure that I am doing it quite right because I went to
after turning off some of the options are working kinda. /usr/bin is
still unreadable even after running level0 script. I have to manuly
change it. other strange things are happing now in the latest install.
Lots of files are unreadable as normal user even after turning on level0

also there is no script
I get e-mails as root over and over telling me this

am I missing something

there are other strange things. but I will not go into them now..

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