jwd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I fmirrored cooker. I ran genhdlist, dd the harddisk boot disk.
> I picked upgrade vs. install and expert and normal. I never got a chance
> to pick any packages it stopped with an error saying something to the
> effect of a problem with /tmp/hdimage/etc/mtab.
> i have three partitions /dev/hda1  = /  /dev/hda5 = /usr and /dev/hdb1 
> = /home. i have tried putting the cooker directory on /dev/hdb1 and it
> errored and i tried in on /dev/hda1 (i re-gendhlist) and this errored.
> The hard disk upgrade fails.  I have not tried a hard disk install. 
> This same problem existed in Cassini and reported this. It got assigned
> number 108.  I have yet to find out what if anything was done about
> this.

alas i don't think so, at least not yet. The problem is to have to mount that
dir twice, or handle it differently...

sorry no time now for this, maybe later :-/

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