On Sun, Dec 19, 1999 at 03:24:09PM -0600, Jim Bradley wrote:

> I have mirrored the cooker site on a local hard drive with wget. I'd
> like to burn a CD, but I've found that as I've continued to upgrade my
> mirror, it's grown to the point that it won't fit on a CD. Does anyone
> have a script that will delete all of the old files, while maintaining
> what is currently on the ftp site. I'd just as soon not have to go
> through and delete files by hand.

If you do a real "mirror", you have no junk.
If you do a copy, you get more and more junk each time.

In the past I used the program 'mirror-2.9' with de 'do_deletes' option
set to 'yes'. Now, I prefer the program 'rsync-2.3.1', eg. something like

   rsync -rltDuz --rsh ssh --delete --force --verbose \
      rsync://rpmfind.net/linux/MandrakeCooker/cooker \

With this, the remote and local "cooker"-trees are always exactly the
same, right after syncing.

Liebe Grüße, Nora.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            http://www.sappho-net.de/
     Lesbian Computer Networks, Finland       http://www.sappho.net/
     Web for Women (von Frauen, für Frauen)   http://www.w4w.net/

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