On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Florent Villard wrote:

> > > Oxygen is 2.2 based, 2.3 are development kernels and should not be used
> > > in production environment, however you are free, AT YOUR OWN RISKS,
> > > to install the hackkernel packages which provides development version of
> > > the linux kernel.
> > > 
> > On what version is actually based hackkernel ?
> > 
> The last stable :) version is 2.3.30 cos 31, 32 33 and 34 are not stable
> enought. 

32 was the unstable one, all the others worked fine for me except for
some swap bugs, both on SMP and on UP.

> I'm just compiling 2.3.35pre1 that may replace 2.3.30 as we are now
> nearly in pre2.4 and that all remaining bugs are getting corrected

There are MANY remaining bugs, and they won't even start to be fixed
until Linus announces a code freeze, maybe two weeks from now.  Until
then, people are going to be shoving as much code as they can at Linus,
in hopes of getting that code into 2.4....   Expect bugs for another
couple weeks at least...


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