----- Original Message -----
From: Axalon Bloodstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 1999 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] make 7.0 cd ?

> mkisofs -R \
>         -o /output/dir/oxygen.iso \
>         -b images/gi_cdrom.img \
>         -c images/.catalog \
>         /tmp/r \
>         /mnt/disk

I would suggest adding -J, allowing MS Windows (helping many Newbies?) to
browse the CD with long file names shown. This should also help with
browsing the HTML FAQ files from Windows (the 8.3 filenames break the HTML
links in the docs.)

And as long as I am on it, some "ease of use" suggestions:

The text files in /dosutils should be named *.TXT. Linux won't care and it's
easier to open and read the text files from Windows (just click on them
rather than right click, then OPEN WITH . . .)

Include some help files in /dosutils (newbies don't know to look in /docs)
that address common questions of Windows users; perhaps a small HTML FAQ for
Windows converts. I'll volunteer to do the docs if you need..

With new converts every day, we should do more to make the transition
smoother and add value to the Mandrake distro.


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