On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, Roger wrote:

> Installation:
> Excellent choice of colors & graphics for the installation interface!  I
> found the installation quite enjoyable w/ them!
> 1.    Some minor problems with understanding one of the options towards
> the end (other than these, everything else was very explicit!):
> a)    Prompt after selecting packages, “Going to install 781 mbs.  You can
> choose to install more programs.  Choose the size you want to install.  (UH?
> What does this mean??  Looks highly useful or needed tho’!  But I have no
> idea what this means.  You need to specify proper nouns/names of “choose the
> size you want to install”.  Does this mean that if I choose a larger size,
> it just gives me a larger partition? For free space??

Hmm thought it was pretty clear.

Tells you how much space the current list of rpms will use.
Tells you, you can install more if you'd like.
> b)    I’ve got no idea which hda1/2/3 that the “/” install was installed
> to.  Do I need this to configure lilo?  I just selected cancel at the prompt
> and it looks like it wrote the data to the mbr of the drive.  Or so it
> looks.  Didn’t know where my “/” install was to install lilo separately
> since I have several other distros installed.

Ok granted there is a large time between partitioning and setting up lilo,
we kinda figured you'd beable to rember that long ;)

You should beable to retieve the info of which is / by editing the entry
in the previous menu where it has like


> c)    I have an ls120 for an “A:\>” drive!  Suprisingly there is no hack
> in this config program to simply select the /dev/hdd drive (my ls120)!

Where you want to select it? to install to? for bootdisk? or for lilo? 
> 2.    Desktop:
> a)     Glad to see the RPM simplified list!  Now I can simply check the
> rpm category! (lol)  Including the Mandrake h/w configurer, but still needs
> work in here.

It'll get better, no worries ;)

> b)    Would like to see options for some Soundblaster Live support or an
> option to configure your o/s properly at the install of mandrake so that all
> the person has to do is install the sblive driver instead of recompiling the
> kernel again.  Soundblaster Live card is really mainstream these days and
> the simplified drivers are out for basic sound!  Here’s the url for the
> code! http://opensource.creative.com/ <http://opensource.creative.com/> 

modprobe emu10k1 # It's already there

I'll make sure it's in lothar on monday 

> c)    Uh?  No USB?  This is kernel 2.2.14 and found nothing for usb?  Not
> even listed in any of the h/w configurations except within a pci probe list!

rpm -ql kernel | grep usb

My understanding is usb still isn't all that stable

> d)    How about displaying the kernel version somewhere within the desktop
> or the /System/Information?

Do who to what? 

> e)    No GeForce Support! ???!?!  Ok Ok … it did configure my adapter card
> to use the fb server!  What more can I really ask for?  Here’s a url to a
> “patched” SVGA server that will work (successfully I might add!) with the
> Nvidia Geforce Card:
> http://perso.club-internet.fr/pousson/files/XF86_SVGA_GeForce.tar.gz
> <http://perso.club-internet.fr/pousson/files/XF86_SVGA_GeForce.tar.gz>   I
> see that Mandrake may wait for the new Xfree tho’.  Guess Geforce support
> may have to wait.  However, it did configure it properly for 16 bit 640x480
> resolution!  Did better than Xconfigurator (or the old version)!

Patches have been applied for i810, and geforce. retest..

> 3.    Overall:
> a)    The main differnce that I see in Mandrake 6.0 and 7.0 is only with
> the simplification of the installation process.  It is a major improvement
> within this area tho’.
> b)    Still am somewhat surprised that there is no usb options or
> soundblaster drivers with the mandrake!  Because the sblive drivers, users
> may goto slackware or something if they have sblive drivers w/I their o/s! 

Like i said they are there, there just isn't a pretty gui _yet_.
We'll have more, better, and sexier hardware/software setup for the next
one ;)

>       FYI:  The installation was a done on a "self built" or "custom
> built"
>       computer.  As such, the installation went primarly flawlessly.

Yeah they always tend to go well with a machine assembled from the ground
up by the person useing it. 

MandrakeSoft          http://www.mandrakesoft.com/

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