At 04:01 AM 12/29/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>This might sound like "nuts" but are these people backing up their data when
>installing the upgrade over their original?
>Just curious...lmao already read some posts were people actually think "beta"
>means "final release" for some
Actually, I spent several hours writing an image file of my entire 
production drive to a secondary removable, as is my practice every 
week.  These images, however, were then burned to CD-R as a snapshot of my 
pre-Beta system, both for future reference and as a means to get myself 
"To-Where-I-Was-Before."  But I do agree that it is foolish for anyone who 
isn't prepared to lose everything to even consider installing the Beta over 
a working system.


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