I have noticed the exact problem that Scott describes - with fresh installs 
of Red Hat 6.1 and Mandrake 6.1.  I notice it most when using the Gimp and 
RealPlayer G2 in KDE.  (I don't use GNOME, so I can't say if the GUI 
elements problem occurs in GNOME or not).  I also frequently see the 
scrollbars of Netscape and KFM become "flattened" (they loose their 3D 
shaded appearance over a portion of their length) when a dialog box is 
displayed over and then removed from these applications' windows.

Incidentally, I installed Xi Graphics' MaXimum CDE/AcceleratedX server over 
RH6.1 (we use CDE on our HP-UX boxes at work), and the GUI-element problem 
with Gimp and RealPlayerG2 went away. I'm back to KDE, because of it's user 
friendliness, but the GUI element problem is annoying.

I have also noticed bright blue and green borders to my K menu, which I have 
colored teal.  It's like the 3D shading in KDE does not quite function 
properly.  I wish I could help, but I'm not a programmer.  Just thought I 
would let everyone know that Scott isn't the only one to experience the GUI 
element problem.

My X settings, hardware:
Diamond Monster Fusion 16MB (3dfx Voodoo Banshee)
XFree86 3.3.5
Logitech FirstMouse+
PII-400, 128 MB


I apologize for the idiot Hotmail blurb at the bottom of this.

From: Scott Haug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Cooker] gtk list selection causes display problems
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 11:09:03 -0700

This is a problem that has plagued me for quite some time under 6.0/6.1, so 
was hoping a fresh install of 7.0 would solve the problem.  Unfortunately, 
still persists.

The problem is that when I select an item from a gtk list, such as a package 
upgrade in MandrakeUpdate or a file in the standard gtk file dialog, it 
display problems with other gui elements (usually buttons) in the dialog.  
example, when a list item is selected, the button that currently has focus 
suddenly change its visual state to look like it does when it is "pressed".
Passing the mouse mouse over any gtk button (when a list item is selected)
toggles its visual state similarly, so that it alternates between looking
"pressed" and "unpressed".  The app itself functions correctly; it's only 
gui's appearance that is affected.

This is on a fresh install of Oxygen from last night.


The current desktop environment doesn't affect the situation; this problem
happens everytime regardless of whether I'm in kde or gnome.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?  Is there a fix?  It's annoying as
all get-out... :)


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