
Rsync shows a new DrakX, etc added in the last 24 hours.    The hd.img is
dated Dec 31, 04:40 am.

A floppy made by dd from this image on one machine (64Mb RAM) here , like
its predecessors, fails to display anything after the purple line, but goes on
correctly to show the hd device and directory selection dialog  then
loads DrakX and makes a good install.

This same floppy in another machine (32Mb RAM) does show the boot: and
loading lines and loads the hd device and directory selection dialog  then
loads DrakX.     However after intputting 'Customized' and 'Development' the
machine and mouse pointer freeze up solid.  During booting it does not show
the image in the top left of the display.

The image on the hd used by DrakX is apparently never unmounted, leading to
the subsequent boot complaining and running ex2fsck.

For some reason the default kernel loaded is now 2.2.14-12mdksecure (I only
asked for medium security).

For some reason the requested booting direct into X is no longer happening.,
Nor am I offered any GUI selection.      root is not permitted to log in, and
startx after a user login fails to connect, Errno = 111.     So, we have no

But I like the new font used during the bootup process!



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

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