*PIII 500(soon to be dual:) )
*Standard Intel Motherboard with no extra features
*128mb Ram
*Voodoo3 3000
*2 Maxtor Drives
        15 gig
*2 3COM 900 NICs
*Mag Innovision 19"Moniter
*MS Laser intellimouse
*Yamaha OPL3Sound Card

Installation Attempt 1:
First attempt I mirrored oxygen too /home/Acid/oxygen which lies on
Thus I was doing a HD install.
I chose to try the gui install for the first time.  I elected to do a
fresh install over 6.1.  It was very nice but I was kinda confused being
use to the old ncurses install.  Items that were a bit confusing were
installation type(I like the old choices), package selection(color
scheme was weird), and security type.
Problems that I had were:
*when I selected /dev/hda3 to be /home it lost track of the packages
*Install detected my NICs wrong.
*many other little things that resulted in me deciding to reinstall.

Installation Attempt 2:
I decided to go back to good ole ncurses install. First I tried HD
install, it crashed. I then decided to do ncurses network install over
my cable modem, it crashed. I then attempted gui network install, it
detected my NIC correctly and installation started. But again when it
came to network installation I detected my NICs wrong again. I then
rebooted and started playing around. First problem I noticed was
Internet wasn't running obviuosly due to the nic problem. Which ended up
being fixed by the suggestion on the mailing list to use the 3c59x
driver instead of 3c90x. Second was that no one besides root could go
into X which Chmouel ended up helping me fix.

I think I still like the old ncurses install but for new users the gui
would probably be nicer. Theres obviously alot of weird little bugs in
it, But once configured she runs great. I have been running Oxygen for a
week now without any problem accept still not being able to compile the
3dfx drm kernel module.:(
All in all can't wait for the final(and XFree4.0 and kernel 2.4:) )

Keith Conger

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