On Sun, 02 Jan 2000, Mircea Ciocan wrote:

> Well, on Y2K-1 last night I tried an full instalation, from snow storm
> reason my ftp feed stoped when just only 5% or so of the packages was
> remaining to download.
>       The machine was rebooted gracefully with ctrl-alt-del.
>       So is any chance to recover the instalation or do I have to ftp again
> 700MB over a slow link.

Simplest is to use wget -c (man wget).

Better still is to use mirror (/usr/doc/mirror).

Best is to use rsync (man rsync).  See other postings here.

For both mirror and rsync you must first synchronise your ftp-downloaded file
timestamps to those on the server using mirror -T ...



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

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