open an xterm up and try 
ps aux|grep ppp

should be 2 lines, the grep and i don't think you'll
have second for pppd

tail /var/log/messages when you've tried to connect.
something about echo from pppd
i had to add a pppd option in the setup (kppp)
lcp-echo-failure 0

hope it helps, trouble is i rarely see more than 10k on the
kppp details graph now. must check uart is set to 112k !!

On Sat, 8 Jan 2000,
Michael Doyle wrote:

> G'day
> On boot, I'm getting a "FAILED"  to start in background on starting PPP, when in
> fact it has dialed and connected???
>  -- 
> Michael Doyle
> Adelaide, South Australia

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