having just unsubscribed from fvwm95 successfully(touch wood). not that
busy anyhow.

on their list admin web page, they let you get your subscribe details
via email.

might not be a bad idea, although it would probably all appear on the
list :-)
Fri, 7 Jan 2000, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

> Sorry your covered in the 99% still. Your sending address doesn't match
> what you subscribed with. You'll have much better luck with the webform it
> explicitly asks for the email address used.
> On Fri, 7 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > That very well may be a possibility, but as for myself, I have sent about 5
> > emails requesting unsubscription in the last two days, and they were in fact
> > spelled correctly, as I got responses back saying that I was not subscribed to
> > the list. That is fine, that is what I want........the only problem is that I


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