> I would realy like to see this fixed, and how about built in
> network-neborhood to mount drives to system if wanted maybe in the
> installer , I know it's prolly to late for that in this relase. just a
> thought.

        I don't think it comes with Mdk7 (I'm mostly lurking waiting for the
"we are going gold" :) or any other distro yet, but there's
LinNeighborehood ( http://www.bnro.de/~schmidjo/ ) which is quite
good...I use it all the time at home and work (actually have it so
Enlightenment loads it on start every time :)

        It works great with samba 2.0.5a and 2.0.6



Think of the Linux community as a niche economy isolated by its
Kind of like the Amish, except that our religion requires us to use 
_higher_ technology than everyone else.
            -- Donald B. Marti Jr.

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