On Fri, 14 Jan 2000, Alex Hayes wrote:

> Is it just me, or have numerous RPMs disappeared from rpmfind.net?  I have 
> tried for several days to pull down the complete beta with no success, as I 
> keep getting "file not found" errors.  I was about 100 files away from 
> complete download when (e.g. xmms*****.rpm) suddenly disappeared.
> Can anyone confirm this?  If it's just me, sorry in advance.

What are you using to download with?     Unfortunately, the only tool that
does the job properly is rsync -vrlt  --delete --partial  (--delete 
deletes local files that are no longer on the server).      Read man rsync.

The oxygen beta server and its mirrors are extremely dynamic and someone is
adding or replacing about 100 rpms a day , or more, sometimes.

Of course, this makes nearly futile and meaningless any attempt to do a beta



Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

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