I also can't install from either the .iso, or from a FTP mirror.  I get to 
"intering 2nd stage install" and then get either nothing further or a 
"signal 9 error, exiting install".

My install source is sitting on a FAT32 partition (target is seperate 
drive).  I assume this does not matter, as I had gotten into the graphical 
install stage on a beta test, and then after I updated to final this problem 
surfaced.  anyone else see this.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Louie Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Air 7.0 ISO whats wrong??
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 22:04:53 -0700

I downloaded the AIR release and burned a cd image, I start the install and
I get "initializing CD-ROM , mount failed - invalid argument, Error mounting
Ram disk, This error should not be happening, shutting down and rebooting
the system." This is the stangest set of messages I have ever seen. Any

I am using a Dell Deminsion xps200s, 64m ram, Matrox Millinnium 4mb video,
Pentium 200, w/ HP 8100 R/W CD-ROM drive.

 > Hello
 > I dloaded the AIR release again, and burned another cd-image. It got to
 > point where it says "Mounting 2nd Ramdrive..."
 > Then it sits there for a long time, and then goes back to "Initializing
 > CD-ROM".. Has anyone else been having problems with the new 7.0 AIR
 > - Gene

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