On Sun, 16 Jan 2000, Christopher De Long wrote:

> Ok... I have been downloading mandrake 70.iso for 3 days now. I know silly
> of me to do huh? When I was downloading the Oxygen ISO at 90% the final came
> out...so I could not resume for some reason.A friend of mine has dsl and so
> he downloaded it for me and put it on a personal ftp server. I was able to
> resume and finish. I installed it so I could test it while I confirmed the
> new ISO was indeed the final version release. This was confirmed. So I
> started downloading the latest ISO from the 2 cows site. everything was fine
> .. until.. at 90%.... the ftp server disconnected and wouldn't let me
> reconnect. So I keep trying to connect.I finally do reconnect. Low and
> behold there is a new ISO file in the folder. Mandrake 6.1.1 ISO. before I
> realized ... since I was getting use to resuming and resuming. I selected
> the mandrake6.1.1 file. I chose resume ... Well normally if it was the WRONG
> file I was resuming to it would tell you. well it didn't so for about 30
> secs I resumed the 6.1.1 file to the 7.0 file. What I am asking is this. My
> logic says the download is now corrupted. My stubborness says... finish the
> download anyway. Is logic correct?

Hmm i didn't think tucows was on a round robin, but thats the only way i
can explain that.. And yes your iso is trash unless you've been useing
> Take Care all
> Chris
> PS anybody here use the g400 max with Mandrake 7.0?

Yup, blazeing fast :)

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