Dragan Lazin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Current Setup:
> P1-200MMX
> Diamond Stealth 3D-2000(S3 Virge)
> 128mb ram(sdram)
> 4.3gb Western Dig. EIDE drive
> 3COM 3C509B-Combo ethernet card
> Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 ISA PnP
> 4x Mistumi IDE cdrom
> Spacewalker HOT-569 Motherboard(intel tx chipset)
> Mandrake 7.0 CD(created from ISO)
> I boot from cd, it enters setup, then I choose custom install, and I
> choose development.  My system completely locks up.  Any suggestions ?

any message on Ctrl+Alt+F3 ?


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