And here's something to tell you how much space each INSTALLED package
takes up, sorted by size:

  rpm -qa --queryformat "%-12{SIZE} %{NAME}\n" |sort -n

Note:  this tells you about all the INSTALLED packages, so it will
include stuff you loaded after the OS, but not about EVERY pkg on the

You can use "rpm -e" to remove anything you don't need.  rpm will tell
you if another pkg depends on it.  Later, if you discover that you
really did need it, it's a simple matter to reinstall the pkg from cd.  


"Thomas J. Hamman" wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Jan 2000, Mike wrote:
> > First of all thanks to everyone with the help on the cd burner
> >
> >
> > now i am looking for a list of all the programs that are included
> > in Mandrake 7.0 with short decriptions ..
> >
> > is there such a list ??
> All the packages have a short description of them you can access by
> typing:
> rpm -qi <packagename>       <---to query an installed package
> Example:  rpm -qi postfix
> rpm -qpi <full filename>    <---to query an rpm file
> Example:  rpm -qpi postfix-19991231-3mdk.i586.rpm
> Now, it might not be pretty, but if you wanted to see the info on every
> package in the distribution with one command you could switch to the RPMs
> directory in the distribution and type:
> rpm -qpi * | more
> Or you could instead put the text into a file in your home directory that
> you can easily browse with less or a text editor, by typing:
> rpm -qpi * > ~/packageinfo
> I hope that helps.
> -Tom

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