I think there's a pretty good howto kida thing for RealPlayerG2 on 
www.linuxnewbie.org.  It shows you which MIME types to put in netscape and 
all that....

Eddy Cooper

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, David M. Kufta wrote:
> Hello List,
>  I just recently installed AIR and in the process lost a link I had just
> the day before which was a very good link which was in e-mail on the list
> concerning configuring applications in netscape to work with RealPlayerG2
> and worked great. I checked in archives but can't seem to come up with this
> mail. Has anyone possibly saved the link ? I would appreciate any help to
> get my RealPlayer G2 functioning as it was in my Oxygen release. I
> configured this in just the last few day's and like a DUMMY didn't save the
> link
>       Thank's,
>               Dave

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