On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

> Well, I got it working, sort of... I just needed to install 
> taipeifonts-1.2-14mdkCLE to get netscape to display chinese
> newspapers...
Taipeifonts is unscale, I like use Arphic ttf fonts in netscape.

> With the other fonts my girlfriend claims the text doesn't
> make sense --> things are garbled up... True Type Fonts
> are also a major CPU & Memory hog. First I see xfs taking
> 98% CPU, and upto 55Mb RAM (on a 128Mb system), this takes
> about 45 seconds, and then it displays them... is this normal?
Sorry, It`s some bugs.....I can`t fix them.

I have a bad solution...uninstall the two packages.
rpm -e fonts-ttf-gb2312-1.0-1mdk fonts-ttf-big5-1.0-1mdk
Than install ttfm and install ttf-arphic*
rpm -ihv ttfm*
rpm -ihv ttf-arphic*
add FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/" in /etc/X11/XF86Config

Chinese GNU/Linux Extension(CLE) Project : http://cle.linux.org.tw/CLE/
    Development Site for CLE on Mandrake : ftp://mdk.tmtc.edu.tw/pub/CLE/
        Developer -- Andrew Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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