Stefan Siegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > 
> > Stefan Siegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > >
> > > Hello everybody,
> > >
> > > I found some errors in "". Here is my list of fixes=20
> > > and  attached you can find a patch against "msec-0.9-14mdk" rpm
> > 
> > Hi Stefan,
> > cool too see that many people give many interest in msec,
> > however, please never ever frightened me like that with
> > a subject like that...
> > 
> > Cause it's not a "SECURITY BUGs"
> OK, let's say a bug in a security-package ;-)

A bug is an error,
i don't see any error :)

( except maybe the two little regex patch ) :-)

> > >
> > > -----8<------------------------------------------------------>8------
> > > * Files that should not be owned by someone else or readable:
> > >    -> added ".gnupg/secring.gpg" as Mandrake uses GNUPG as default
> > ok :)
> > It 's very difficult to include all important file :)
> that's right, but as Mandrake switched to GNUPG I thaught it would be 
> a good Idea ....

it is :)

> > [...]
> > >    -> replaced username-check by uid-check (avoids false output=20
> > >       by usernames > 8 char, e.g. "fetchmail" !=3D "fetchmai" )
> > This one is cool,
> > however i first started to look at uid,
> > but this is a problem with novice users...
> > In the end i will probably do a UID check, and search the username
> > associated to the UID in question.
> When You'll look at my patch you'll find uid and names be displayed ...

yop just seen it :)

> > 
> > >    -> removed "~lp" and "~mail" from group-check as their homedirs
> > >       are group writeable
> > 
> > wrong completly depend on your configuration.
> > alph:~$ ls -l mail
> > -rw-------    1 yoann    yoann        5057 Feb 11 12:40 mail
> > alph:~$
> ------8<---------->8-------
> $ rpm -qlvp /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS/filesystem-1.3.5-1mdk.noarch.rpm |
> grep mail
> drwxrwxr-x     root     mail         1024 Feb  6  1996 /var/spool/mail
> $ rpm -qlvp /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS/lpr-0.48-1mdk.i586.rpm | grep spool
> drwxrwxr-x     root   daemon         4096 Jan 10 14:30 /var/spool/lpd
> ------8<---------->8-------
> that's why I "removed" those two from being displayed ...
> (Note: Your rpms from iso-2 ...)

what are u talking about , ~/mail or /var/spool/mail ?

> > [...]
> > However, be carefull that msec should got many architecture change in
> > a few time, so do not bother too much :)
> waiting to see what will come next ...

better architecture,
also i'll maybe use cfengine. 

> > > diff -uNr /etc/security/msec/cron-sh/ 
> > > [...]
> > >  ### Check home directories.  Directories should not be owned by someone else or 
> > > -awk -F: '/^[^+-]/ { print $1 " " $6 }' /etc/passwd | \
> > > -while read uid homedir; do
> > > +awk -F: '/^[^+-]/ { print $1 " " $3 " " $6 }' /etc/passwd | \
> > > +while read username uid homedir; do
> > >          if [[ -d ${homedir} ]] ; then
> > > -                file=`ls -ldg ${homedir}`
> > > -                printf "$uid $file\n"
> > > +                realuid=`ls -ldgn ${homedir}| awk '{ print $3 }'`
> > > +                realuser=`ls -ldg ${homedir}| awk '{ print $3 }'`
> > > +                permissions=`ls -ldg ${homedir}| awk '{ print $1 }'`
> > > +                printf "${permissions} ${username} (${uid}) ${realuser} 
> > >          fi
> > > -done | awk '$1 != $4 && $4 != "root" \
> > > -        { print "user=" $1 " : home directory is owned by " $4 "." }
> > > -     $2 ~ /^-....w/ \
> > > -        { print "user=" $1 " : home directory is group writeable." }
> > > -     $2 ~ /^-.......w/ \
> > > -        { print "user=" $1 " : home directory is other writeable." }' > ${TMP}
> > > +done | awk '$3 != $5 && $5 != "(0)" \
> > > +        { print "user=" $2 $3 " : home directory is owned by " $4 $5 "." }
> > > +     $1 ~ /^d....w/ && $2 != "lp" && $2 != "mail" \
> > 
> > $2 != "lp" && $2 != "mail"
> > this one is wrong as i've said above..
> I explained my "removing" above ... BTW as you can see my output is:
> user=test1(503) :  home directory is owned by test2(504).
> so you have uid and usernames displayed ...

yop, that's cool :)
will be included :)

                -- Yoann
 It is well known that M$ product don't make a free() after a malloc(),
the unix community wish them good luck for their future developement.

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